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2024 Summer Epistle

Some thoughts and updates on our prayers and where we're at as a church.

2024 Summer Epistle

Emmaus Fam,

Praying together, we should expect God to act. We should also bank on God answering our prayers in ways we are not imagining. He just has a better imagination than you or I.

This season we’ve been asking for folks we need, to use us in the LP neighborhood, and just help recognizing His movement among us.

We committed to this through August. I’d encourage you to continue, with thanksgiving.

So, what has God been up to considering our prayers?


It’s been really fascinating getting to know Judah, his wife Candice, and his two kiddos. Almost 4 years of living in and serving the neighborhood, working bi-vocationally, and praying for God to bring healing and restoration. If I hang out there for more than 15min, it feels like me and Judah just end up praying with someone in their lawn. It’s been refreshing and encouraging to hear his heart for conversation and salvation. I believe “church planting” and “service projects” are great, but those things should not be the heart and soul of any true missionary. The Trabulsi family is a true missionary family.

I would love to see our church play an important role in supporting these missionaries. Let’s keep praying towards that end.


Speaking of ways that we may not be imaging God to answer our prayers. I’ve also been able to spend an interesting amount of time with Shaun Garman over the last couple of months, what a trip. We had coffee this week before another meeting we both had with the head of the Mission Hills Association (MSA). It was a joy watching two experienced saints encourage each other in their shared mission to support, shepherd, and grow the local church. Both One Gospel and MSA have quite the overlap in vision. I could almost see Mark and Shaun’s wheels turning in front of me. It was fun to watch. I’m not yet sure why God has brought Shaun back into our sphere, but wouldn’t it be fascinating if he’s someone we need.


Part of our prayer this season has been asking God to “help us grow in number and in worship of you.” It’s crazy to me how many visitors I see at the evening service. I preach in the evening twice a month, and get to pray with, encourage, and share the Gospel regularly with folks who are genuinely thirsty for the Good News. It’s only 3-5 new folks each week I’m there, but that’s more in one week than we get in a quarter. I don’t totally get it; it’s just what I see. The sad part is that I rarely ever see these visitors again. Whether it’s just life or Satan snatching them away, it feels like a missed opportunity. How can we encourage more regular worship? Should we invite them “into” something? Should we have resources ready to give and share? I think those are things we should be praying for.


Shifting to the future, I recognize that it’s been a tough season for a lot of our family. You know that. I know that. The elders know that. But wouldn’t it be amazing if when we are most weak, God is most strong. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were finally out of the way enough to truly discern what God was up to?

Here’s what I would love to see at 935 W 11th.

A heathy church participating in regular worship. A place where the outcast feels welcomed and can be encouraged and discipled, not just sprinkled with the Gospel for a moment. I’d love to see people be converted, the Gospel be a bright light, and local leaders be raised up to serve in that location for generations.

That sounds like something God could be up to. I don’t know what your part is in this. That’s why we want to continue to commit ourselves to prayer and watch and see what God does. I think He’s up to something cool, and I want us to be part of that.

Aaron Sanford

Teaching Pastor

Emmaus Church